Warm Neighbor Application

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character
  • Residential low-income household
  • Received Notice of Pending Disconnect or currently disconnected non-payment
  • Applicant must be listed on the PUD account and reside at the service address 
  • Applicant must have active service for a minimum of 2 months
Program Assistance
  • Applicant may receive assistance once every 12-months
  • Maximum assistance is the disconnect or reconnect amount, not to exceed $300 
  • Disconnect balance must be paid down to $300 (maximum assistance amount) prior to approval
    • Prepaid Accounts –Assistance amount provided shall be the lesser amount of (1) 30 days of the calculated daily average plus arrangement balance or (2) the maximum assistance amount of $300.
  • PUD, State or Federal Declared Emergency – Applicants may re-apply for an additional maximum assistance amount of up to $300 within a 12-month period. 
Program Restrictions
  • Not available for deposits or collection balances
  • Not available for any fees
  • Not available if previous fraud events
  • Not available if on Moratorium Payment Plan
Application Process
  • Complete the application in its entirety
  • Submit application, along with income documents, to Cowlitz PUD
    • Email, fax, mail, or drop off at our Main Office are accepted
  • Eligibility will be determined upon review of information submitted and in accordance with the Customer Services Policy
  • Qualifying applicants will be automatically enrolled in our monthly Discount Rate Program after verification of age, disability, or Veteran status
Contact Information



961 12th Avenue, Longview, WA 98632

Mailing Address
PO Box 3007 Longview, WA 98632
Note: At the discretion of the Director of Customer Service, payment amounts, qualifiers, and restrictions can be made outside of these policies.

We are sorry, at this time you are not eligible for Warm Neighbor, for additional options please contact us at customerservice@cowlitzpud.org or 360-423-2210.
Applicant Information (Person 1)

Income Information

**Attach income documents for all household members 18 or older. Income documents may include, previous month’s paystub, W2 Form, most current tax return, or a current approval letter from a State and/or Federal low-income program. INCOME IS BASED ON GROSS NOT NET.

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements. 

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements. 

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements. 

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements.

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements.

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements. 

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements. 

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements.

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements.

Most recent: Tax Return, SSI Income Statement, 2 Months Bank Statements.
Optional Information-to auto apply for the monthly Discounted Rate Program

State ID, Real ID, Passport, Work VISA, Employment Authorization Card

Parking Permit ID, SS Disability Award Letter, Physician's Cert Form

Active Military ID, Discharge Paperwork, DD214