2025 Solar & Battery Interconnection Application

Applicant Information (Member-Generator)

Interconnection-Facility Location

Equipment Information

***If you receive power from a competitive supplier, you would not be paid for any output produced by your system.***
Interconnection-Facility Information (Please note: UL 1741 SA compliant inverters are required per IEEE 1547-2018)

System Design Capacity:

Max Continuous AC Output Power - per inverter datasheet

(AC System Design Capacity: If there are multiple inverters installed in the system, this is the sum of the nameplate ratings of all inverters. DC system design capacity is the sum of each DC generator nameplate rating)
Contractor/Electrician Information

Battery Storage/Backup

Battery Information

Intended Use and Operation

Group Host Information

Person Responsible for Responding to NHEC Inquiries

Group Member Information

Member 1

Member 2

Member 3

Member 4

Member 5

Member 6

Member 7

Member 8

Member 9

Member 10

One-Line Drawing

Mutual Indemnity Agreement - Per NHEC T&C Section X.2.(11)(a)(2) & NH PUC 904.03
“Each Party shall hold harmless and indemnify the other Party and its directors, officers, agents, and employees against any and all loss, liability, damage, or expense, including any direct, indirect or consequential loss, liability, damage, or expense, but not including attorneys’ fees unless awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction, for injury or death to persons, including employees of either Party, and damage to property, including property of either Party, arising out of or in connection with intentional, willful, wanton, reckless or negligent conduct regarding (a) the engineering, design, construction, maintenance, repair, operation, supervision, inspection, testing, protection or ownership of the Party’s facilities, or (b) the making of replacements, additions, or improvements to, or reconstruction of, the Party’s facilities. However, neither Party shall be indemnified hereunder for any loss, liability, damage, or expense resulting from its sole negligence or willful misconduct. Notwithstanding the indemnity provisions contained herein, except for a Party’s willful misconduct or sole negligence, each Party shall be responsible for damage to its own facilities resulting from electrical disturbances or faults.”
Renewable Energy Certificates Instructions
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are part of a regulatory system created by state law and are designed to establish a financial market which recognizes, quantifies and permits the purchase and sale of the environmental value of producing electricity using renewable sources such as hydro, wind, solar, biomass, or landfill gas. One REC represents the environmental value of one megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable generation. In this way, the owner of a renewable power generator may be rewarded with an additional monetary benefit for each MWh of renewable energy produced.

While anyone can purchase RECs, most are purchased by electric utilities, which are required by state law to own predefined quantities of RECs tied to a percentage of their total annual electricity sales. These predefined quantities are called the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). At its discretion, NHEC is a purchaser of RECs and acquires RECs from a variety of sources. RECs are governed by a regulatory process with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (NH PUC). The NH PUC process is governed by statute and rules that can be found in the following websites:

NH Renewable Portfolio Standard RSA 362-F

NH Public Utilities Commission - PUC 2500 Rules

The regulatory process to qualify a renewable generator for production of RECs includes the Renewable Energy Certificate Member Agreement that must be completed by the member-generator, submitted to NHEC who forwards to the NH PUC for approval and filing. Additionally, when a renewable resource is net metered, referred to as a Member-Sited Source, it must also have an approved monitor. NHEC has been approved by the NH PUC as a monitor. Among other responsibilities, in order to monitor a Member-Sited Source, NHEC will install a generation (REC) meter to record the amount of electric energy the resource generates , routinely read and maintain the generation meter, and report to the NH PUC on a regular basis. NHEC may charge a monthly Monitoring Fee. Please refer to our website for the current fee.

 The billing statements you receive from NHEC are based on kilowatt-hours (kWh) of usage. One REC is equal to one megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable generation. It takes 1,000 kWh to produce one MWh. Unfortunately, the regulatory process that governs RECs does not recognize or allow the sale of renewable generation in increments less than one MWh. Accordingly, “partial” RECs are not counted or traded and do not carry forward. Therefore, your renewable energy source must generate at least 1,000 kWh within a calendar year before a REC is produced. Member-generators who are planning to install a renewable energy source that is net metered have four choices regarding their aggregation of the RECs:

A. NHEC will monitor renewable generation for informational purposes only. In addition to inspecting the interconnection-facility and installing a net meter on your account, NHEC will install a generation meter to record the electric energy produced by your renewable interconnected facility. Under this option, you will not accrue RECs and no application is filed with the NH PUC. Upon request, NHEC will provide you with an annual report of your self-generation. NHEC will charge a monthly Monitoring Fee (please reference NHEC’s Schedule of Fees, Charges and Rates). If this is your choice, please initial Option A of the Renewable Energy Certificate Member Agreement. 2024 Net Metering Interconnection-Facility Application Form

B. Contribute the RECs to NHEC. In addition to inspecting the interconnection facility and installing a net meter on your account, NHEC will install a generation meter to record the electric energy produced by your renewable interconnected facility. NHEC will complete an application to be filed with the NH PUC for their approval of your qualifying RECs. NHEC will report the annual renewable generation information to the NH PUC in accordance with their rules and regulations. Upon request, NHEC will provide you with an annual report of your renewable generation. NHEC will not charge a monthly Monitoring Fee. Under this option, you would be helping NHEC meet its RPS requirement. If this is your choice, please initial Option B of the Renewable Energy Certificate Member Agreement.

C. Sell the RECs to NHEC. In addition to inspecting the interconnection facility and installing a net meter on your account, NHEC will install a generation meter to record the electric energy produced by your renewable interconnected facility. NHEC will complete an application, to be filed with the NH PUC for their approval of your qualifying RECs. NHEC will report the annual renewable generation information to the NHPUC in accordance with their rules and regulations. Annually, NHEC will either make a payment to you by check or credit your account for the RECs generated by your renewable source. NHEC will charge a monthly Monitoring Fee. If this is your choice, please initial Option C of the Renewable Energy Certificate Member Agreement.

D. Do Nothing. You may elect to not choose any of the three options listed above and thereby not involve NHEC in the REC process. In addition to inspecting the renewable interconnection facility and installing a net meter on your account, NHEC will install a generation meter to record the electric energy produced by your facility for administrative purposes only. NHEC will not charge a monthly Monitoring Fee. Under this option, NHEC will not report the annual renewable generation information to the NH PUC. If this is your choice, please initial Option D of the Renewable Energy Certificate Member Agreement.

Please note this is an ever-changing marketplace. Other options and state rules may apply in the future.

All four options listed in the Agreement will require NHEC to install a renewable generation meter in an approved meter socket installed by your electrician. The meter socket shall be installed at an approved exterior location accessible by a NHEC meter technician. Approved meter sockets and meter locations can be found in NHEC Electric Service Handbook. 

Please note that the information in this document relates to your Renewable Energy Interconnection Facility only and does not change any of the other Rates, Fees and Charges applicable to your account.

If you have any questions regarding the information in this document, please call Scott McNeil at 603-536- 8608.

THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into this day:

between New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. (herein NHEC), having principal offices at 579 Tenney Mountain Highway, Plymouth, NH 03264 and its member (herein Member) (collectively herein the Parties):

Whereas, Member has installed, or is in the process of installing, solar photovoltaic, wind or other renewable electric generation equipment at its service location as a member of NHEC (Member-Sited Renewable Resource) as listed in Step 1 - Net Metering Interconnection-Facility Application Form

Whereas, NHEC desires to facilitate its member’s renewable generation activities and desires to obtain RECs and encourage renewable generation in a manner most beneficial to all its members. NHEC has received New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (NH PUC) approval as an Independent Monitor as that term is defined by the NH PUC rule 2505.10.

Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing and in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements set forth herein, NHEC and Member agree to the following provisions: 

1. Metering

In accordance with the Interconnection Facility Application Process instructions, Member will install or cause to be installed a generation meter socket at an approved exterior location accessible to a NHEC meter technician and electrically connected in such a way as to measure the electrical energy produced by the Member-Sited Renewable Source. NHEC will install, maintain and read the revenue-quality meter that meets the regulatory requirements to record the generation of the Member Sited Renewable Source.

2. Term

The Term of this Agreement shall begin on the Received Date and in accordance with the current NH PUC 2500 rules and continue perpetually until either Party provides the other Party with 90 days written notice to terminate this Agreement, or until Member terminates their electric service account with NHEC for service at the location of the Member Sited Renewable Source.

3. Member Options

4. Additional Member Responsibilities

Member shall notify NHEC of its intent to change its option as determined in Article 3. Member and NHEC shall execute a replacement Agreement when such a change is made. Member shall notify NHEC of any account transfer of ownership. Member shall notify NHEC of any changes to equipment relative to the Facility including, but not limited to, increase in capacity, removal or major renovation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and intending to be legally bound, the Parties have executed this Agreement by their undersigned duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date hereof.
Group Host Acknowledgement

By signing below, I certify the following:
  1. Each member and the host are current and shall remain members of NHEC and do not purchase power from a third party provider.
  2. Each member has signed an agreement with the host that complies with New Hampshire Electric Co-op Terms & Conditions Section X. Click here to view
  3. The total combined historic annual load of the members together with the host exceeds the projected annual output of the host’s facility.
  4. The members of the group are NOT interconnected with an existing net metered generating facility.
  5. I have the authority to sign this application on behalf of the host.
  6. The information on this form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.