Residential Energy Usage Evaluation

Complete all sections and accept terms and conditions to ensure proper and prompt payment of rebate. If you need assistance completing the online rebate form, call Linn County REC 319-377-1587 and ask to speak to an Energy Advisor. Residential Energy Usage Review is limited to Linn County REC members who have a residential (11TOD and 12TOD) account.

When responding to items with an age attached, enter how many years it has been installed and round to the nearest year {Example; Clothes Washer Age (purchased new in October 2024) so you would enter 1}.
Member Information

Remove dashes and spaces (12-34-567 89) to 123456789

Residence Information 

Page 2

When responding to items with an age attached, enter how many years it has been installed and round to the nearest year {Example; Clothes Washer Age (purchased new in October 2021) so you would enter 1}.
Heating / Cooling Systems

Appliances / Electrical Equipment

Page 3


Electric Vehicle

Ex - Model 3 Long Range AWD Performance

Ex - 75

Ex- Model 3 Long Range AWD Performance

Ex - 75
Member Agreement