Landlord Agreement

By signing below, the landlord/rental agent/property owner named below (“Landlord”) agrees to the following terms and conditions with respect to providing electric and/or gas service (“utility service”) by The Energy Cooperative to the rental properties or units (each a “rental unit”) described on the attached Listing of Accounts.

  1. Landlord shall be responsible for the payment for all utility service for a rental unit during any period when the utility service for such rental unit is in Landlord’s name.  This period includes the period beginning on and after the effective date of a disconnect ordered by a tenant of a rental unit through the connect date of service to such rental unit in the name of a new tenant.  Once The Energy Cooperative has received a disconnect order from a tenant, the utility service will be transferred back to Landlord’s name on the effective date of such order without notice to Landlord.
  2. In order to transfer utility service to a new tenant, Landlord understands that such new tenant must complete a membership application and possibly pay a deposit (based on the credit of such tenant) before utility service will be transferred into such tenant’s name.
  3. If a tenant fails to complete the requirements of membership, the account for such rental unit will remain in Landlord’s name, and all charges for such account will be the responsibility of Landlord. It is Landlord’s responsibility to ensure a tenant has completed the requirements of membership. Landlord may choose to keep the utility service in Landlord’s name, but by doing so, Landlord shall be responsible for all utility usage and charges incurred.
  4. Each time utility service is transferred to a new tenant, a new Tenant Consent form must be signed and submitted by such new tenant to The Energy Cooperative.  This will allow The Energy Cooperative to notify Landlord of tenant’s failure to pay and disconnection of service. Landlord understands that, without this consent, no notification will be given to Landlord about disconnection of service due to non-payment at any time. It is Landlord’s responsibility to have the Tenant Consent form completed, signed and submitted by each tenant.
  5. Landlord shall provide The Energy Cooperative with complete access to the entire rental unit when a tenant vacates.
  6. Landlord shall provide The Energy Cooperative, when available and upon request, the forwarding addresses of all prior tenants.
  7. Landlord shall notify The Energy Cooperative of any changes in the ownership of the rental properties.
  8. One of the purposes of this agreement is to maintain continuity of utility service at rental properties of Landlord in the event of what could otherwise be the discontinuance of utility service by reason of a disconnect placed by the tenant, and that this agreement does not extend to discontinuance of service by reason of nonpayment by tenant, nor will The Energy Cooperative notify Landlord of same unless required by law to do so, nor extend the obligation of The Energy Cooperative to Landlord beyond those provided by law.

Landlord, Rental Agent or Property Owner's Information

The Energy Cooperative's Tenant Consent form is available online. Please have the tenant complete this form and return a physical copy to: 1500 Granville Road, Newark, Ohio 43055.