EV Ready - Member Program

Member Information

Installation Site Street Address

Electrical and Vehicle Information:

As part of this agreement, MTE requests that you set your default EV charging schedule to take place primarily overnight when convenient.
I understand and agree that MTE is providing a credit on my electric bill for the installation of a
240 volt plug and wiring to support Level 2 EV charging at the above address. In return, I agree to
have said plug and wiring installed at the above installation address and to allow an MTE
representative to verify the installation. 

In the event said plug and wiring is not installed at said installation site, the participant agrees to pay back the incentive amount through the electric account billing.

MTE assumes no liability or responsibility for the installation of the plug and wiring. MTE makes
no express or implied warranties or representation whatsoever concerning the fitness, suitability
or condition, and MTE expressly disclaims any such warranties or representations. Any warranties
or guarantees relating to the installation of the plug and wiring are limited to those provided by
the contractor installing it or by the manufacturer. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to adhere
to any applicable electrical codes.