Rebate Product Form

Applicant Information

Service Address Information

Rebate Selection

Recycled Refrigerator and/or Freezer
Rebate Amount: $60

Appliance must be decommissioned for recycling and cannot be resold

EnergyStar Clothes Dryer
Rebate Amount: $30 or $90 with Hybrid heat pump dryer

Induction Cooktop (Measuring 30" or larger)

Smart Thermostat: Standard & Line-voltage (Quantity limits apply)
Rebate Amount: $25 per thermostat

Whole House Fan (Not for powered attic ventilators)
Rebate Amount: $100

Evaporator Cooler (Minimum 2,500 CFM)
Rebate Amount: $200

EnergyStar Heat Pump Water Heater
Rebate Amount: $350

Additional Water Heater Incentives